Bicycle Accident
Motorists are responsible for driving with awareness. They are to look out for not just other vehicles, but pedestrians and cyclists as well. If you have been injured in any type of bicycle accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact our Personal Injury Attorneys today.
Birth Injury
Birth injuries are sometimes caused by medical malpractice. There is nothing more heartbreaking than your child being caused to suffer because of negligence or carelessness. If your child suffers from Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s Palsy, or other illnesses, it could be due to a medical error. Contact our Personal Injury Lawyers.
Boating Accident
Boating is a common hobby in Texas. Not only that, but it also is a part of many people’s vocations. If you were injured due to reckless boat operation, boating under the influence, or defective boat equipment, talk to a personal injury attorney. Contact our Personal Injury Lawyer today.
Broken Bones
If you have suffered broken bones from a car accident, motorcycle accident, or truck accident, medical bills could be mounting up. If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you could be entitled to compensation. Contact our Personal Injury Attorneys today.
Burn Injury
A burn injury is one of the most painful types of injuries. If you were burned on someone else’s property or at your workplace, it is important that you speak with a qualified legal representative as soon as possible. Our law firm can help you if you have been burned by chemicals, fire, radiation, or electricity. Contact our Personal Injury Attorney today.
Car Accident
There are several different causes for car accidents, but many of these have to do with negligent or reckless drivers. If you or a family member was injured in an accident caused by another, you could file for reimbursement for your medical bills and pain and suffering. Contact our Personal Injury Lawyers today.
Catastrophic Injury
Catastrophic injuries can severely change your life. They could cause you to lose your job or be permanently disabled. Medical treatment, recovery fees, and loss of income can quickly become too much for families. The person responsible for your injuries should be held responsible for their actions.
Construction Accident
Construction sites are full of potential dangers. Oftentimes accidents that occur at these sites are due to not following safety standards or being negligent in your work. If this was the case in your situation, your employer or property owner could be responsible for your medical bills and pain and suffering.
Dangerous Drugs
If you or a family member has suffered injury due to taking a drug, you should not be responsible for your medical bills. Drugs that were not properly tested before they were let on the market are the responsibility of the pharmaceutical company.
Defective Products
Defective products are the cause for injuries and deaths every year across the country. If you or a loved one has become ill or been injured because of a defective product, talk to a personal injury attorney from our law firm today. Contact our Personal Injury Attorneys today.
Drunk Driving Accident
When an individual chooses to drink and drive, they should be held responsible for their actions. Drunk drivers are the cause of countless deaths and injuries every year. If someone has wronged you, let an attorney from our law firm fight for your rights.
Motorcycle Accident
Motorcyclists do not have as much protection on the roads as other vehicles do. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you could be facing injuries like brain damage, spinal cord damage, and back injuries. If you were injured because of the negligence or recklessness of another, call our Law Firm today.
Nursing Home Abuse
When you entrust the care of an elderly family member to a nursing home, you expect that they will prove worthy of that trust. If a loved one has suffered abuse or neglect while under the care of a nursing home or caregiver, an attorney from our law firm can help stand up for your rights. Do not wait to get legal counsel in this heart-breaking issue.
Pedestrian Accident
Drivers on the road are not only responsible for being aware of other cars, but of motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Pedestrians have absolutely no defense against cars and often suffer catastrophic injuries when they are involved in traffic collisions.
Premises Liability
The owner of a property is responsible for the upkeep of its safety standards. If there has been a lapse in these standards or the grounds were not properly maintained, people could pay the price for this negligence.
Swimming Pool Accident
If the owner of a swimming pool has failed to maintain safety standards at their swimming pool, accidents can happen. If you or a loved one has been injured or even killed while at a pool, the owner could be responsible for your medical bills and loss of wages.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Symptoms of brain injuries include memory loss, anxiety, depression, behavioral changes, cognitive problems, confusion, seizures, and more. If you have been injured in a car accident or another accident that was the fault of someone else, talk to a personal injury attorney from our law firm.
Truck Accident
Any traffic collision that involves a truck tends to be more serious and involve more injuries. Due to the nature of the work of truck driving, driver fatigue is a constant threat and is one of the leading causes of accidents. If you were injured in an accident that was caused by fatigue, carelessness, negligence, or faulty equipment, our law firm can help you stand up for your rights.
Work Injuries
When one is injured at work, they are entitled to medical benefits and a percentage of their wages; however, they are not entitled to pain and suffering, mental anguish, or punitive damages. With a third party lawsuit under the theory of premises liability or negligence, the injured worker may be entitled to additional economic and non-economic damages on top of workers’ compensation benefits.
Wrongful Death
Losing a loved one in an accident is one of the most heartbreaking situations a family can go through. If a member of your family was killed because of the negligence or recklessness of another, a personal injury attorney from our firm could be a strong advocate for you and stand up for your rights.